Recognized for its powerful representation of family, abandonment, hope, and redemption. In the adaptation of Saroo Brierley’s...
Patriots Day commemorates the battles of Lexington and Concord, where growing American forces took a stand against...
Let’s roll out a list of actors:?Jason Bateman, Jennifer Aniston, Olivia Munn, T. J. Miller, Jillian Bell,...
Thanks to a new Blu-ray release of?Lifeboat, a new generation of film fans will experience the work...
Months after seeing?Silence?for the first time, I still find myself in engaging conversations about what it means...
Dorothea Fields (Annette Bening) wants to raise her son Jamie (Lucas Jade Zumann) well, but she doesn’t...
Dennis Lehane’s crime noir develops in a way that translates easily on screen, with a filmography that...
Sing?is that rare animated flick that bears watching several times because there’s more to be gleaned each...
Troy (Denzel Washington) is a hard man, but Rose (Viola Davis) loves him anyway, and his sons...
Idris Elba stars in a none-Elba-like role, here as a retired rugby star named Max whose marriage...