Bernie Madoff perpetrated the largest Ponzi scheme (currently) in history, having defrauded investors out of approximately sixty-five...
HBO’s latest original movie is?The Wizard of Lies, a biopic of Bernie Madoff, starring Robert De Niro...
In?Unforgettable, two women face off over the love and attention of one man. But unlike other “he’s...
Black Butterfly?is a tense whodunit that refuses to give us too much, and keeps us spinning in...
Bill Randa (John Goodman) assembles a crack team of explorers in his quest to justify expenditures for...
In Lionsgate’s wild bullet party, Justine (Brie Larson) facilitates the sale of weapons from an IRA buyer,...
Flik is an inventor – an individualist – who tries to do things on his own. As?A...
Caution:? This documentary review contains spoilers.? (Yes, you read that correctly.) Directed by Sarah Polley, The Stories...
Tom and Jerry are fiendishly mischievous frenemies who have tormenting each other and entertaining audiences for years....
The Zabinskis? decision to harbor as many Jews as they could was a courageous act?and a very...