In?All Saints, Affirm Films’ adaptation of the real story of Michael and Aimee Spurlock, an incredibly emotional...
When salesman-turned-pastor Michael Spurlock (John Corbett) is sent to Tennessee’s Smyrna Church, he’s supposed to help close...
David Lynch took back the writer/director’s chair for the eighteen hours of Showtime’s return to Twin Peaks,...
Boasting a cast that includes Steve Carrell, Kristen Wiig, Julie Andrews, Steve Coogan, Miranda Cosgrove, Trey Parker,...
In a comedy you didn’t see coming, Channing Tatum’s Jimmy Logan plans to rob Charlotte Motor Speedway...
In Warner Brothers’ latest Hitchcock collection, audiences everywhere can see fifteen of the Master of Suspense’s greatest...
For anyone who was unclear about the greatness of Peter Dinklage,?Game of Thrones?seems to have crushed the...
One of my earliest cinematic memories is watching?The Miracle Worker?at school. In fact, we watched it for...
Taylor Sheridan (Sons of Anarchy, Veronica Mars)?has penned?Sicario?and?Hell or High Water, two films that have been received...
In Atomic Blonde, the story based on the graphic novel The Coldest City, Charlize Theron plays MI6’s...