In?Gridlocked, David Hendrix (Dominic Purcell) gets the worst assignment ever: a community-service mandated ride along for party-happy...
Jacob Sahms
Jacob serves as a United Methodist pastor in Virginia, where he spends his downtime in a theater or playing sports
“My childhood room is filled with trophies like these but I haven’t won a thing in my...
In a world divided by race, religious credo, sexuality, politics, and more,?Zootopia?smacks us in the face with...
Clive Owen plays a raggedy, older version of himself as Walt, an out-of-work, alcoholic carpenter who must...
We are all looking for something until we find it. With their typical humor and wit, the...
I’m no war movie buff.?American Sniper?and?Zero Dark Thirty?proved to be gritty, heartrending films for me, in ways...
Written by Max Landis (Chronicle, American Ultra),?Mr. Right?takes audiences places that films like?Killers?or?Grosse Point Blank?went before: into...
Stop-motion artwork is tricky. We accept it for some settings, like the children’s entertainment in?Shaun of the...
The latest hit from HBO isn’t an ensemble power play. Yes, it’s an ensemble show, but the...
It’s been awhile since Gerard Butler nailed his name to the blockbuster wall with?300. But in between...