Alex Winter, Keanu Reeves, and William Sadler reunited after almost thirty years for the sequel that 2020...
Jacob Sahms
Jacob serves as a United Methodist pastor in Virginia, where he spends his downtime in a theater or playing sports
In Alan Moore’s graphic novel, a vigilante rises up against a neo-facist police state, wearing a Guy...
Just in time for the holidays, the press release says, you can own all eight seasons of...
After a few weeks’ hiatus for moving and changing jobs, I’m back with a home media vengeance...
French director Julius Berg’s directorial debut provides a cinematic translation of the graphic novel Une nuit de...
In the second season collaboration of Stephen King and J.J. Abrams, Lizzy Caplan’s Annie Wilkes is a...
Other movies have shown us class warfare: District 9, The Hunger Games, Fight Club, Mad Max, even...
If Steve Carrell’s Michael Scott had cursed more and been in charge of the new presidential directives...
Netflix’s latest straight-to-streaming films are certainly rivaling what’s available in theaters. Too soon? In the romantic comedy...
Ron Shelton once teamed with Kevin Costner to deliver one of the top-10 sports films of all...