In a world dominated by men, it?s powerful to see young people lift like a girl. Directed...
Month: July 2021
Directed and co-written by Jan Phillip Weil, Running Against the Wind is simply stunning. Running tells the story of two twelve-year-old...
It?s always hard to go home again. But it?s even more difficult when you?re bringing your own...
Marvel makes movies. Of course, you could be forgiven if you?d forgotten this. With the recent push...
With apologies to Johnny Depp, Gene Wilder is the REAL Willy Wonka. And with apologies to Wilder’s...
Growing up can be difficult enough without people telling you who they think you are. Written and...
?If you?re poor, and you have no money, and can?t get yourself a lawyer who really gives...
1969. It is the year humankind set foot on the moon. The US is heavily involved in...
The teen years can be a challenge. It is a time when people struggle with their identity...