Argylle tells the story of Elly Conway (Bryce Dallas Howard), a reclusive writer who lives in the creativity of...
Sam Rockwell
The film may be called The Bad Guys, it’s definitely filled with good fun. For many years, The Bad Guys have...
Richard Jewell is a tale of heroism, woe, and frustration that serves as a reminder of life...
This week, Paul and Julie Levac gather to take on JOJO RABBIT, a film which allows director...
?Non silba sed anthar (not for self, but for others)? [Ku Klux Klan motto] Based on a...
John Nance Garner (one of FDR?s Vice Presidents) observed that the Vice Presidency ?is not worth a...
With the release of this week’s Oscar nominations, THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI cemented itself as an...
Written by Max Landis (Chronicle, American Ultra),?Mr. Right?takes audiences places that films like?Killers?or?Grosse Point Blank?went before: into...
“From the minds who brought you?Napoleon Dynamite?and?Nacho Libre…” That should tell you enough?as you watch?a film about...
?I just wanted to give people a reason to believe.? In Don Verdean an archaeologist and dueling...