When people think about Toronto, the music scene isn’t always what comes to mind. Known as Hollywood...
“Next time is next time. Now is now.” Those who have read many of my reviews will...
If the pandemic has taught has anything, it’s the value of having other people in our lives....
Here are more films that are playing at Slamdance Film Festival. You can see these and others...
1969. It is the year humankind set foot on the moon. The US is heavily involved in...
Today?s films reflect a look at history. That includes a look at a wonderful music festival from...
Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the best known composers of classical music. The first four notes...
Is ambition a good thing or a setting for disaster? Certainly it can challenge people to great...
? ?I am strong. I am invincible. I am woman.? ? Those words were part of what...
Directed by Brent Wilson, Streetlight Harmonies shines a spotlight on the origins of doo-wop and its influence on the...