In Greta Gerwig’s BARBIE, the iconic doll lives a life of privilege in Barbieland. There, she is...
Margot Robbie
Playdates, plastic accessories, paper dollhouses, Bibble, “I Am a Girl Like You,” and the puzzling Schlond Poofa. All...
Damien Chazelle charmed the world with La La Land love letter to Hollywood but his new film,...
Written and directed by Damien Chazelle, and starring an ensemble cast of Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Diego...
Exploring history can be fun, even if it doesn?t always make sense. Beginning during the First World...
The sequel to 2017?s disastrous Suicide Squad, James Gunn?s soft-reboot The Suicide Squad also tells the story of a ragtag...
It?s no secret that the work of Beatrix Potter is beloved by her fans. As the author...
Growing up can be difficult enough without people telling you who they think you are. Written and...
After her debut in SUICIDE SQUAD, fan favourite Margot Robbie gets her time to shine brightly in...
?Turns out I?m not the only dame in Gotham looking for emancipation.? –Harley Quinn, Birds of Prey After...