After Joss Whedon?s Justice League failed to catch on with audiences, those committed to seeing Zack Snyder?s...
Justice League
Welcome to the Fishing Hole, the?ScreenFish Staff’s daily roundup of late breaking cinema/TV/pop culture news.? Here’s what...
Grab your batarang and 5-pronged trident, because, in this episode, ScreenFish Radio wraps the lasso of truth...
Justice League is one of the most anticipated movies of the year, but not because you get...
On the heels of another Comic-Con come and gone, one of the biggest trailers revealed was the...
Before we get started, let me assure you… I already know what you’re going to say. Over...
In a new clip on the upcoming blu-ray/dvd release of the next DC Animated film, we see...
To say that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice?was one of the most anticipated films of the...
In the latest direct-to-DVD Lego DC film, the Justice League battles Brainaic’s evil plan to miniaturize and...