Directed by Todd Haynes, May December tells the story of Elizabeth Berry (Natalie Portman), an actress tasked with researching...
Julianne Moore
When You Finish Saving the World is one of the most transparent semi-autobiographical films ever made yet...
By Ben Dower When?Jurassic Park?hit screens in 1993, the film not only wowed audiences with its realistic...
Directed by Stephen Chbosky, DEAR EVAN HANSEN tells the story of a young man who write letters...
After she moves to a small town in the American Mid-West, Lucky Prescott (Isabela Merced) is looking...
Middle age is tough. When you are Gloria Bell, however, you handle it with verve and joy....
There goes the neighbourhood? Directed by George Clooney, Suburbicon is a satirical look at the suburban world...
? ? ?? ? ? At ScreenFish, we’re very conscious of those moments where faith and...
Set in 2003, Freeheld tells the true story of New Jersey Det. Laurel Hester (Julianne Moore) who,...
Thanks to Jurassic Park: The Last World, we can see that there are some things we should...