Directed by Shane Belcourt,?Beautiful Scars?delves into the life of former Junkhouse frontman Tom Wilson and the secrets...
Some stories are never easy to revisit. In How Saba Kept Singing, 94-year-old David Wisnia (affectionately called ?Saba?...
I?m so proud of everyone in this documentary and I want to be friends with all of...
Directed by Matt Sarnecki,?The Killing of a Journalist?begins with the brutal murder of Slovakian journalist Jan Kuciak...
If a tree falls in their forest, the people of Palawan would know about it. Directed by...
In Still Working 9 to 5, directors/producers Camille Hardman, Gary Lane and Larry Lane revisit the classic film 9...
Directed by Srdan Keca, Museum of the Revolution introduces the world to Vera and Milica, a homeless mother and...
From award-winning director Jennifer Baichwal (Watermark, Manufactured Landscapes), Into the Weeds follows Bay Area groundskeeper, Dewayne Johnson. Tasked with using...
What does it mean to leave mark on the world? While some argue that only the bravest...
Life-affirming and fascinating,?It Is Not Over Yet?transports the viewer to Dagmarsminde, a small long-term care facility in...