Directed by Yannick Kergoat, Tax Me is an in-depth examination of the ways in which tax loopholes keep multi-nationals...
Because We Have Each Other follows Janet Sharrock and Buddha Barnes as they and their five adult children...
Aitamaako’tamisskapi Natosi: Before The Sun tells the story of Logan Red Crow, a young Siksika woman who is...
In The Mountains, director Christian Einshoj uses video to reflect on their family’s past in a narrative documentary. In...
Set in 1993, My Old School tells the story of Brandon Lee, a 17-year-old fifth year Canadian who became...
Alas, somethings rotten in the state of North Carolina. And it?s not just the pig waste. Directed...
Directed by Nils Gaup,?Images of a Nordic Drama?introduces the world to Hakkon Mehren, an art collector who...
It’s all in your head. Everything is going to be fine. These sorts of belittling comments lie...
Directed by Cody Sheehy, Make People Better tells the story of Dr. He Jiankui, a Chinese geneticist who made...
Directed by Andrew Moir, Don?t Come Searching is an unflinching look at what it means to struggle with the...