At a crossroads financially and professionally, Rita (Zoe Saldana), a talented and undervalued lawyer, is tapped to...
“This will be a tour about pain…, also a tour that celebrates the people.” It’s hard to...
?You?re never haunted by just one ghost.? Northern Shade, first feature from writer/director Christopher Rucinski, is a...
Perhaps some of the more unsung heroes of Disney?s cinematic canon are their inspirational sports stories. While...
?Sometimes, I wish God would just reach down and give the world a big old shake, you...
?You are being considered for the amazing opportunity of life.? What were you like before you became...
Is ambition a good thing or a setting for disaster? Certainly it can challenge people to great...
Atom Egoyan is adept at creating cinematic puzzles for us to assemble. We aren?t quite sure what...
Told mostly in flashback,?High Lifefocuses on the journey of prisoners who have been told that they would...
John Nance Garner (one of FDR?s Vice Presidents) observed that the Vice Presidency ?is not worth a...