The Wild Robot is simply extraordinary. With humour and heart, director Chris Sanders (Lilo and Stitch) has created...
Directed by Morgan Neville, Piece by Piece is a stunning exploration into the life of musical icon, Pharrell Williams—and...
Time to dip into some more of the animation at HollyShorts Film Festival. Area 52 (4 minutes,...
There’s no place like Orbona. (Well, almost nowhere.) WondLa focuses its story on Eva (Jeanine Mason), a 16-year-old...
As I watched Carl Joseph E. Papa’s animated film The Missing, I spent most of the first...
Even after over 30 years, it turns out the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are still alive and kicking. Directed...
Whenever there’s a problem around Adventure (City), Ryder and his team of pups will come and save...
To say Miyazaki has a new classic seems both par for the course and wholly unexpected. Given...
If you’ve got young children, bring them on the adventure of a lifetime. Thanks to our friends...
The film may be called The Bad Guys, it’s definitely filled with good fun. For many years, The Bad Guys have...