Disney Hits Our Nostalgia Buttons with Record-Setting B&B Teaser


On Tuesday, I posted the first teaser trailer for the upcoming Beauty and the Beast live-action film from Disney. Several major websites have reported this week the new teaser?was view a record 91.8 million times the first twenty-four hours it was online. The most recent record holder was The Force Awakens, which was viewed some 88 million times its first day.

As with first two Star Wars VII teasers, Disney relied strongly on the nostalgia factor to lure fans to watch. Seeing the Millennial Falcon (and, of course, Han and Chewy) again sent chills down my spine. But, instead of old friends, Disney more subtly aroused memories by virtually duplicating the 1991 teaser trailer of the cartoon version. At least two handy editors have put up comparison videos on the internet, one showing the teasers side-by-side, and the one below juxtaposing the two top and bottom, making it a bit easier to follow than the other version.

The most noticeable difference between the 1991 teaser and the one released this week is how they have obscured most of Belle in the live-action version. We don’t see how Emma Watson’s hair is styled, or what she’s wearing, which adds to the suspense.

Many may be surprised (as Ian McKellen, who will portray Cogsworth in the film, was) how popular the 1991 Beauty and the Beast?has been, and how greatly anticipated the live-action version is. As the record-setting views indicate, it’s a big deal!

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