Janine “Smurf” Cody (Ellen Barkin) runs her family with an iron fist. She’s the mother and grandmother...
For the most part, Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return effectively bridges the gap of seventeen years...
At the end of the day, we all want to go somewhere that has a roof to...
War has done more to shape the history of the world than one might be willing to...
Communication is the lifeblood of today?s society, helping to make sense of life?yet many of us don?t...
The latest entry to Netflix’s Marvel universe is both unlike the other entries, yet similar as well....
words wind around us, obscuring, diffusing, piling atop each other like snowflakes on snowflakes, making seeing true?meaning...
Economist Adam Smith noted, ?All money is a matter of belief.?
To say we would be in a world of hurt without medicine is not hyperbole.
so i’m so sad after seeing Father John Misty sing on SNL he sang two songs, but...