In the inaugural indie thriller by Tyler Shields, a pack of young men spend their Saturday nights...
The sky might be big and blue, but that’s not looking like a plus. Hazel (Bella Thorne)...
Hot Pursuit?is?not?a film based on the hit arcade game, but rather an odd couple comedy starring the...
The fifth film in Jackie Chan’s?Police Story?series finds?Police Captain Zhong Wen (Jackie Chan) struggling to connect with...
In Return to the Hiding Place, writer/director Peter C. Spencer takes us back in time to World...
How scary can chocolate syrup be? Well, when you film it in black and white and use...
In FOX’s?True Story, Jonah Hill and James Franco go sifting through the truth and lies of stolen...
As Warner Brothers prepares for the impending?The Man From U.N.C.L.E.?feature film starring Henry Cavill and Arnie Hammer,...
The Prescott?Academy breeds orphaned kids to be killer assassins in the latest take on high school,?Barely Lethal....
Yes, it’s an obscenely short intro; doubly appropriate considering this week’s feature. ScreamFish is about to get...