This week, Steve welcomes actor Amanda Jane Smith and pastor Judith McCartney to enter into the battle...
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Sin can only be hidden for so long, but it will eventually be exposed. Episode 7...
Two lives are torn apart by a catastrophic event. When two airliners collide in midair killing everyone...
Englishman Stuart Hazeldine has a host of screenplays and directorial work to his resume, but it took...
Albert Einstein crying, alone, at a train station--is this rock bottom for him?
In the fifteen years I’ve spent writing about media online, only three things have earned me digital...
The Department of Justice sends an up-and-coming lawyer, Preston Terry (Selma, Race), and a seasoned investigator, Ashe...
?Of all the mysteries for me, people are the hardest to fathom.?
there’s a lot i want to say about Chris Cornell having gone away truth told, it?hit me...
They’re back! For fans of the 2013 hit film Love Actually, we have great news.? Key cast-members...