Jacob Sahms

Jacob serves as a United Methodist pastor in Virginia, where he spends his downtime in a theater or playing sports

Snowden: Share Your Story

How much should the government know about you? How much do you value your privacy? The way you answer those questions probably influence what you think of Edward Snowden, the latest subject of Oliver Stone (whose other political figure targets include?JFK?and?W.) Here, Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Snowden, with his interview with documentarian Laura Poitras and reporter…

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Magnificent Seven (2016) Takes Us to Church

Lately, remakes are a dime a dozen. You can see ‘reboots’ of?True Grit and?Terminator, you can watch small screen versions of?Lethal Weapon,?Poltergeist,?Frequency, and?MacGyver.?And now, Yul Brynner’s classic, itself a remake of?Seven Samurai, received the Antoine Fuqua-ized version, complete with Denzel Washington and enough racial diversity to make?The Fast & The Furious?franchise jealous. But lost in…

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Sully: In the Moment

On January 15, 2009, U.S. Airways pilot?Chesley”Sully” Sullenberger and his co-pilot, Jeff Skiles, ?were flying a commercial airliner from LaGuardia for a standard run, the same way Sullenberger had flown for forty years. When his Airbus A320 struck a herd of?geese that destroyed?the engines, Sullenberger’s quick thinking landed the plane safely in the Hudson River….

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Rogue One, a Star Wars Story: What Would You Die For? (A Spoiler-Free Review)

Rogue One?is conspicuously “a Star Wars story,” not cut from the same mold as?The Force Awakens. But from this lifetime Star Wars fan, that may in fact make it?better?than (some of) its predecessors. In fact, I found myself emotionally more connected to the story of Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) and her team of misfit castoffs…

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