While the film is designed as an action-thriller (and works moderately well as such), it may better...
Year: 2016
Let’s be honest: every satirical film I’ve seen since 2004 has been gauged against?Saved!?At the time of...
This week on the show, Steve assembles his own band of misfits by inviting comic aficionado Arnaldo...
Oh, Gotham, how I love and loathe thee. The darkly resplendent world of Batman, Gotham City reigns...
Same Kind of Different as Me is the story of an international art dealer who must befriend...
11.22.63,?Stephen King’s time-bending novel, has been adapted by Bridget Carpenter (Friday Night Lights, The Red Road) for...
Cedric Nicolas Troyan, who was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects on?Snow White &...
Heroism. Patriotism. Futility. Is it possible to celebrate the two virtues and still recognize that sometimes the...
I think we can agree that the world is a pretty tense place. Zika. American politics. Police...
Finally, the film is about wonder and faith. When Meacham tells Grace the non-tall tale version of...