Set in the heart of WWII, Midway tells the dramatic story of the US soldiers and pilots who fought...
Woody Harrelson
Young Han Solo finds adventure when he joins a gang of galactic smugglers, including a 196-year-old Wookie...
Has the Star Wars franchise peaked? Is it running out of steam? If you listen to some...
The newest addition to the Star Wars canon is Solo: A Star Wars Story. The question that...
With the release of this week’s Oscar nominations, THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI cemented itself as an...
Hail Caesar. Directed again by Matt Reeves, War for the Planet of the Apes picking up 2...
This week on the show. Steve welcomes back Shelley McVea to battle Caesar and the WAR FOR...
The idea of captivity is important to the film, although it often seems to be operating in...
If the first season of?True Detective?had found itself in Los Angeles, it might have become?Triple 9. In...