Written and directed by Carolina Markowicz, TOLL tells the story of Suellen (Maeve Jinkings), a toll booth...
Directed by DK Welchman & Hugh Welchman, The Peasants is based on Wladyslaw Reymont’s novel of the same name....
Fame can be a nightmare. In Dream Scenario, Paul Matthews (Nicolas Cage) is a family man and tenured...
Can the stock market save the world? Directed by Craig Gillespie, DUMB MONEY tells the story of...
Set in North Carolina, Silver Dollar Road gives voice to the Reels Family. Having lived near Silver Dollar Road...
When your career is coming to a close, how does one know if they’ve left a mark...
Written and directed by Sophie Dupuis, Solo introduces the world to Simon (Theodore Pellerin), a fiery drag artist who...
Working Class Goes to Hell follows a small-town union’s struggle for justice after an industrial fire decimates...
Chuck Chuck Baby follows Helen, a very quiet and reserved woman, and her struggles to make ends...
In this harrowing contemporary humanist drama, auteur Agnieszka Holland becomes the second Polish film of TIFF to...