ScreenFish is excited to announce their involvement with renowned interviewer David Peck! ?David is the host of...
America needs Arrival. Directed by?Denis Villeneuve, Arrival begins on the day that (the latest) aliens appear over...
When it finally receives its wide release, Colossal will surprise everyone. Given that it will most likely...
This week, Chris Utley and ScreenFish newbie Peter Adourian join Steve to tackle Nate Parker’s controversial...
Focusing on the week?following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, JACKIE follows?on the life?of former First Lady...
Okay, don’t judge me. The truth is that this film was nowhere near my radar for films...
Somerset, England. Trainee veterinarian Clover Catto (ELLIE KENDRICK, Game of Thrones)?returns to the farm where she grew...
This week on the show, Steve welcomes author and speaker Jeffrey Overstreet to sing the praises of...
In Beast, writer/directors Tom and Sam McKeith tell the story of Jaime Gray (newcomer Chad McKinney), a...
Are we truly alone in the universe? It’s a question asked by a number of entries into...