Beginning in the late 1950s,?The Eyes of Tammy Faye?follows the rise and fall of Tammy Faye Bakker...
Set during the three days surrounding Christmas,?Spencer?focuses on the emotional journey of Princess Diana (Kristen Stewart) as...
Adapted from the novel by Catherine Hernandez, Scarborough details the lives of three families of various backgrounds who live...
Set in the present day, I?m Your Man tells the story of Alma (Maren Eggert), a scientist who is...
Set in Victorian London of the 1880s,?The Electrical Life of Louis Wain?tells the story of Louis Wain...
Directed by Antoine Fuqua (Training Day),?The Guilty?takes place during the raging wildfires of Los Angeles. As his...
Although they have built a successful ranch together, brothers George and Phil Burbank could not be more...
With her latest film, Nomadland, director Chloe Zhao tells the story of Fern (Francis McDormand), a woman...
Directed by Kelly Fyffe-Marshall, Black Bodies is a short film on what it currently means to be black...
At a time when everyone is looking for answers, it can be frustrating when you don?t get...