Even after 40 years, Transformers One shows that the bots still have the touch. Set upon the planet Cybertron, Transformers...
Scarlett Johansson
Our next giveaway really has the Touch (and the Power)! Thanks to our friends at Paramount Pictures...
They may be faking it… but, in a changing world, can they make it? Starring Scarlett Johansson...
Fly Me to the Moon (2024) is an American “rom-dram-edy” directed by Greg Berlanti, from a screenplay by...
Even when you’re racing to the moon, you can’t forget the problems here on earth. Hilarious and...
Get ready to sing your heart out! Thanks to our friends at TARO PR, we’re giving away...
Welcome to Teenfish, a podcast series that lets teenagers and young adults speak about media that matters...
Do I even have to put a SPOILER WARNING here? Because we will be talking about Black...
Marvel makes movies. Of course, you could be forgiven if you?d forgotten this. With the recent push...
Can a song really save your life? Sing 2 sees the return of Buster Moon (Matthew McConaughey), the...