Focusing on the week?following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, JACKIE follows?on the life?of former First Lady...
Released at Sundance earlier this year, the film sparked a bidding war the likes of which?the festival...
In the chaos of battle mistakes can be made. Oscar-nominated A War looks at some of the...
Some folks feel that Sly Stallone was robbed of a lifetime achievement award in his nomination for...
Caution: ?The following review contains spoilers. Directed by Lenny Abrahamson, Room tells the story of Joy, a...
The Big Short is set in 2008 and tells the true story of Michael Burry (Christian Bale),...
In The Revenant, Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his son are scouts for a team of fur...
Upon first glance, Mad Max: Fury Road seems out of place amongst its fellow best picture nominees....
The last time I offered my $0.02 regarding Oscars 2016 was to defend the Academy and their...
The short documentaries often are very personal stories that allow us to see important issues. The nominees...