Set in 1993, My Old School tells the story of Brandon Lee, a 17-year-old fifth year Canadian who became...
Directed by Nils Gaup,?Images of a Nordic Drama?introduces the world to Hakkon Mehren, an art collector who...
It’s all in your head. Everything is going to be fine. These sorts of belittling comments lie...
Directed by Cody Sheehy, Make People Better tells the story of Dr. He Jiankui, a Chinese geneticist who made...
Directed by Andrew Moir, Don?t Come Searching is an unflinching look at what it means to struggle with the...
Some stories are never easy to revisit. In How Saba Kept Singing, 94-year-old David Wisnia (affectionately called ?Saba?...
I?m so proud of everyone in this documentary and I want to be friends with all of...
In Still Working 9 to 5, directors/producers Camille Hardman, Gary Lane and Larry Lane revisit the classic film 9...