Is it fair? This was the question that our audience was left with after our early screening...
Donald Trump
“Dividers need us to stay in our own little bubbles talking about each other rather than to...
Directed by Anne de Mare, Capturing the Flag tells the story of Election Day 2016 from the...
This week on the show, Chris Utley joins Steve to talk diversity in the Oscars and their...
2016 retrospectives understandably multiply at the moment, as does the sentiment that 2016 sucked, on the whole...
i’m highly optimistic about HBO’s new hit show,?Westworld ? (if you’ve not seen it, imagine a sort-of...
With Super Tuesday behind us, our world seems to be hurtling towards the once unthinkable?but now inevitable?presidential...
Mark Sommer tackles The Return of the Jedi, Hollywood's portrayal of women, and the hope of the...