1st Born tells the story of Ben (Reza Sixo Safai) and Kate (Taylor Cole), a young couple from...
Directed by Justin Smith and David Baker, Saving Atlantis focuses on the dramatic effect of the loss of coral...
Lucky Day tells the story of Red (Luke Bracey), a safe cracker who has just been released from...
Dilili in Paris is a celebration of fin de si?cle Paris. While it is an animated story...
John Rhys Meyers and Francesca Eastwood star in Awake, a film about a man with amnesia who...
?Thank you for this day, Daddy. I hope I lived right and if I see you one...
Throughout the years, there have been many examples of the ?teacher making a difference? genre. Ranging from...
Directed by Jesse V. Johnson (The Debt Collector),?Triple Threatdelivers the high-octane stunt work that one would expect...
The tension was palpable. In the moments (and days?) following Julia Roberts? announcement that Green Book?had won...
Directed by Kim Sung-Hoon, Rampant?is an unexpectedly fascinating mashup of genres as classical Asian cinema meets horror...