What happens when a big, police inspired drug sting goes bad? Most Wanted, from writer/director Daniel Roby,...
Directed by Rod Lurie (The Contender), The Outpost tells the story of Bravo Troop 3-61 CAV, a small unit...
Atom Egoyan does not make life easy for the characters in his films. Known for such powerful...
You simply don?t ignore a phone call from Tom Hanks. As the director of the latest WWII...
In his latest film, From the Vine, director Sean Cisterna (Kiss and Cry) shows that, like a glass...
?There are these two armies that are going to meet: this tiny little army of journalists?five, or...
?We?re not in this world to find answers, but to ask qestions.? Nikolaus Leytner?s The Tobacconist is...
From The Vine tells the story of downtrodden CEO Marco Gentile (Joe Pantoliano), a man experiencing a moral...
What makes a religion? Do all worldviews have the same validity? How are we to judge? Those...
When Phillip (Nick Robinson) receives a visit from Melissa (Margaret Qualley), the former girlfriend of his late-brother...