?I can fix you.? My True Fairy opens with a voice over spoken by Angie Goodwin (Emma...
?It?s the first right thing I do for him, and it?s the last.? Doing the right thing...
Whether you’re aware of it or not, Canadian film is alive and well. The truth is that,...
?Benjamin Taylor is leaving living today.? Sometimes it takes the specter of death to bring light into...
Life is often about chasing after dreams. But is the chase itself enough to make for a...
Life is complicated. That may seem like the understatement of the year, but hey, when it?s true,...
Director Cecil B. DeMille’s ultimate masterpiece and final film The Ten Commandments, which received a beautiful new...
Someone once asked what it profits a person if they gain the whole world but lose their...
Roald Amundsen is probably best known as the polar explorer who beat Robert Scott to the South...
?I really can?t take it anymore. You?re not only destroying my body, but my soul.? An actress...