Heist: The Art of Misdirection

Robert De Niro. Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Kate Bosworth. Morris Chestnut. Gina Carano. Dave Bautista. The cast list reads like a who’s who of good-but-not-great films that have littered the landscape of early spring and late summer. All of them have been in?something?spectacular, but bringing them all together echoes with the late-breaking career of Morgan Freeman…

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why Star Wars is more than a movie

“it’s just a movie” says someone of Star Wars who?just don’t know the thing is: no. it’ s not just a movie besides being, perhaps, *the* movie,?in the blockbuster, spinoff-spawning, critic-and-fan favorite, industry uber-underwriting, entertainment?behemoth sense, it’s also a cross-generational shared story about redemption and?sacrifice and the cosmic struggle between light and dark and the…

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ScreamFish: Black Christmas

Dear Santa, Can you please bring us more slashers as good as Black Christmas (no, not the shoddy remake from 2006; we’re referring to the 1974 original)?? Because someone or something needs to remind Hollywood that horror films are allowed to have talented legitimate actors, compelling scripts and genuinely effective–yet relatively gore-less–scares. Sure, it’s just…

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