Directed by Sean McNamara, The Miracle Season tells the story of young Caroline Found?or ?Line? as...
Written and directed by Brian Cavallaro, Against the Night tells the story of nine friends who decide...
Joe Kelly is a prolific comic book writer, with credits on the extended mythos of Deadpool, Daredevil,...
Having directed such films as The Fast and the Furious and XXX, Rob Cohen certainly knows how...
Ten years ago, R.J. Palacio and her toddler son encountered a little girl with a cranial facial...
Directed by Ethan Warren, West of Her tells the story of Dan (Ryan Caraway), a young man...
Produced by Mickey Liddell (Risen, Zookeeper?s Wife), Forever My Girl tells the story of Liam Page...
Written by Paul King and Simon Farnaby, Paddington 2 sees the return of everyone?s favourite bear as...
Set in the later years of the Vietnam War, Katherine Graham, publisher of the Washington Post, and...
Running since 2005, the Pomegranate Film Festival showcases the very best of Armenian films. In a special...