Steve Jobs: The Measure of a Man (Oscar Spotlight: Best Actor)

I begrudgingly watched?another?Steve Jobs film. Seriously, was there more information to be covered, some new angle to be unveiled? As a matter of fact, there was. Thanks to Danny Boyle’s (Sunshine, 127 Hours, Slumdog Millionaire)?direction and Michael Fassbender’s nuanced performance,?Steve Jobs?is a worthy Academy Award nominee with Fassbender’s portrayal of Jobs at its center. While…

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Black Mass: The Face of Evil

Johnny Depp was the face of evil in 2015. There, I said it. Thanks to the 2001 non-fiction expose, Black Mass: The True Story of an Unholy Alliance Between the FBI and the Irish Mob, Depp delivered a magnificently wicked performance as Whitey Bulger. (The only other film that came close to that was?Denis Villeneuve’s?Sicario,…

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