With the release of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Marvel finally begins to grapple with one...
Steve Norton
Steve Norton is a pastor, hubby, and daddy (x2). I am a dedicated Jesus follower who looks for new ways to bring God glory and I have a ridiculous passion for film. It's one of my distinct interests to explore the connection between the two as well. Over the last 5 years, I've been proud to be a writer for Hollywood Jesus, Love Is Moving magazine and now, I have the privilege to help create ScreenFish.net! #forHisglory
Dennis Quaid knows what makes a great story. With films ranging from the dramatic (Far From Home, Traffic)...
When Guy Ritchie teams with Jason Statham, it?s usually something special. Known for their unique mix of...
Hello darkness, my old friend? Written and directed by Alex Noyer, Sound of Violence is a dark and brutal...
Is there anything scarier than hatred and bigotry? In new horror/thriller The Retreat, Renee (Tommie-Amber Pine) and Valerie...
Set in Denmark,?Riders of Justice?follows Mathilde (Andrea Heick Gadeberg), who suffers an incredible loss when her mother...
I mean, who doesn?t think a mutated head bent on murder and ruling the world is adorable? Wait. Maybe...
?On the run for crime he didn?t commit, a man must step into the light once more...
Directed by Stephen Johnson,?High Ground?follows Travis (Simon Baker), a policeman in northern Australia tasked with supporting a...
It?s never easy to watch two people end their marriage, especially when children are involved. But when...