Steve Norton

Steve Norton is a pastor, hubby, and daddy (x2). I am a dedicated Jesus follower who looks for new ways to bring God glory and I have a ridiculous passion for film. It's one of my distinct interests to explore the connection between the two as well. Over the last 5 years, I've been proud to be a writer for Hollywood Jesus, Love Is Moving magazine and now, I have the privilege to help create! #forHisglory

GIVEAWAY! Girls: Season Six!

? ScreenFish is thrilled to be giving away a digital copy of?Girls: Season Six! Created by and starring Lena Dunham (Tiny Furniture), Girls?is a comic look at the assorted humiliations and rare triumphs of a group of?girls?in their mid-20s. In many ways, Girls became an essential series for the millennial generation, exploring themes of sexuality,…

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3.22 Celebrating WONDER WOMAN

This week, Steve welcomes actor Amanda Jane Smith and pastor Judith McCartney to enter into the battle with?Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman. ?While the film has scored with both critics and fans, there seems to be something much more significant about this particular moment. ?Is it true that Diana’s story provides a proper role model for…

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David Peck: Gerry Flahive

Gerry Flahive and Face2Face host David Peck talk about secrets, story, the ?D? word, why he?s a 2001 fanatic and how a ?real life? can be intimidating. Biography Gerry Flahive is a Toronto-based writer, producer and creative consultant at his media arts company, Modern Story. Until May 2014, Flahive was Senior Producer at the National…

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David Peck: Shimon Dusan (The Settlers)

Shimon Dutan and Face2Face host David Peck talk about the ?settlement enterprise?, racism, empathy, the West Bank and absolutes, Israel and why there?s reason for hope. IMDB Synopsis Of?the?grievances and grudges that plague?the?Middle East, no issue is more incendiary than?the?Jewish-only settlements that have dotted?the?occupied West Bank for a half-century. Canadian/Israeli Shimon Dotan?s acclaimed documentary?The?Settlers?sets out…

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3.21 Attacking ALIEN: COVENANT

This week, Steve assembles his ?Mikey Fissel (Reel World Theology) and Paul Muzzin (director, CHASING ATLANTIS) as they dig into ALIEN: COVENANT, Ridley Scott’s controversial sequel to PROMETHEUS. The film has proven itself divisive amongst fans and critics but has a lot more to say than people think (or does it?). Want to continue to…

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