Steve Norton

Steve Norton is a pastor, hubby, and daddy (x2). I am a dedicated Jesus follower who looks for new ways to bring God glory and I have a ridiculous passion for film. It's one of my distinct interests to explore the connection between the two as well. Over the last 5 years, I've been proud to be a writer for Hollywood Jesus, Love Is Moving magazine and now, I have the privilege to help create! #forHisglory

3.27 Surviving DUNKIRK

This week, Steve welcomes podcaster David Peck (Face2Face) and ScreenFish’er Julie Levac to talk about?Dunkirk,?Nolan’s latest epic that’s scoring with critics and at the box office. ?Emphasizing visuals and sound over dialogs is a new creative step for Nolan and the film benefits from his willingness to step out of his comfort zone. ?Still, is…

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David Peck: Face2Face with Kelita

Kelita   Kelita and Face2Face host David Peck talk about country music, trauma, suicide, resilience, and the importance of story telling, listening and how we can break the ?cycle?. More about Kelita?s new album project here. Biography KELITA?writes, sings and speaks from her own life experiences, sharing her powerful and inspiring healing journey. Coming from…

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