In an alternate DC Universe, Joker and Harley Quinn decide to have some fun in Metropolis, at...
Jacob Sahms
Jacob serves as a United Methodist pastor in Virginia, where he spends his downtime in a theater or playing sports
In the latest adaptation of Stephen King’s The Stand, Whoopi Goldberg is Mother Abagail and Alexander Skarsgard...
HBO Max’s original Victorian steampunk fantasy revolves around a group of people in London in the 19th...
Bruce Timm has more of an impact on the DC Universe than the casual fans of the...
In Joe Carnahan’s first film in seven years, the director of The A-Team, Smokin’ Aces, and The...
Disrespected, ignored, and abused, hotel worker Ana (Grace Van Patten) exists in a world where men are...
The ninth episode in the Fast & the Furious stream of action flicks takes our crew of...
Mare of Easttown was an unexpected gem, first telecast on HBO Max and now available via DVD....
Based on Anthony Burgess’ novel, Stanley Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange dives into a satirical (murderous) discourse on the...
Before he was helming The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, or The Outsiders, Francis Ford Coppola began his directing...