There comes a time at a festival when you?re standing in line and someone asks what you?ve...
Darrel Manson
Dickens?s A Christmas Carol is a well-loved story that has had various screen and stage versions and...
When I arrived at Hollywood and Highland on Sunday morning, there were some people on the street...
The first full day for the festival took me on a trip around the world. That?s one...
Hannah is something of a masters acting demonstration by Charlotte Rampling.
AFI Fest 2017 Presented by Audi runs November 9-17 in and around the Hollywood and Highland complex...
This is the American Film Institute?s 50th year. (Thank you, President Johnson.) It was 30 years ago...
God?s Own Country will no doubt be compared to Brokeback Mountain. The easy comparison crossed my mind...
Raw emotion is the driving force in the documentary The Work. In California?s Folsom State Prison, some...
I recently had the chance to take part in some round table interviews with some of those...