I began Tuesday by watching Cardinals, a film directed by Grayson Moore and Aidan Shipley that was...
Darrel Manson
The interaction of news events and the journalists covering the events made up the focus of the...
It certainly isn?t news that most films are made by men. Women have been working for the...
I always like to fit in some shorts at NBFF. From time to time I?ve seen shorts...
Welcome to the 19th Annual Newport Beach Film Festival. Over the next week over 350 films will...
For me this issue is most clearly seen in listening to a group of SAT tutors?people who...
Lives Well Lived seeks to bring us the experience of a group of forty men and...
The Heart of Nuba is the story of American doctor, Dr. Tom Catena, who works in Mother...
This is one of the great examples of having a film that entertains well and at the...
the opening shot of Bye Bye Germany, we watch a three-legged dog happily trotting through a...