The paradox of the film is that it simultaneously is a journey from life to death and...
Darrel Manson
As usual, I expect I?ll name things you?ve never heard of (except from my reviews), and unless...
It?s hard to think of a time when a film that highlights the First Amendment is not...
I was in college, of prime draft age, when M*A*S*H hit the theaters in 1970. That probably...
How do you determine the price of the important things in life? That question lies in the...
Del Toro employs an interesting device to illuminate the issues: biblical stories.
Coming-of-age stories are often about discovery as characters emerge from childhood. They often harken back to the...
Justice. Revenge. Are they the same? Are they even related? In the Fade from Fatih Akin is...
What a frightening thing the first day of school can be?especially when you?ve been home schooled your...
There?s a new Western in town: The Ballad of Lefty Brown. Once upon a time Westerns were...