This week, pastor and Jedi master Greg Banik and ScreenFish co-editor Jacob Sahms join forces with Steve to take on the evil Empire in ROGUE ONE! But does this movie know the difference between good and evil? They chat about the politics of war, changing views on religion and the nature of faith.
Want to continue to conversation at home? ?Click the link below to download ?Fishing for More? ? some small group questions for you to bring to those in your area.
Steve Norton is a pastor, hubby, and daddy (x2). I am a dedicated Jesus follower who looks for new ways to bring God glory and I have a ridiculous passion for film. It’s one of my distinct interests to explore the connection between the two as well. Over the last 5 years, I’ve been proud to be a writer for Hollywood Jesus, Love Is Moving magazine and now, I have the privilege to help create! #forHisglory