Jon M. Chu’s highly anticipated adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical, Wicked has arrived and is absolutely...
Year: 2024
Jim Gaffigan’s The Skinny is a one hour comedy special that Gaffigan directed, produced and wrote himself....
Wicked is one of the year’s best films. Period. End of sentence. Directed by Jon M. Chu, Wicked is set...
It’s good to step back into the blood and sand. Directed by Ridley Scott, Gladiator II returns to the...
Walter Salles’s film I’m Still Here is the story of a family that is torn apart by...
Memoir of a Snail is a stop-motion film directed by Adam Elliot that tells a deeply sad...
Interior Chinatown is about Willis Wu, a ordinary and boring waiter at a Chinatown restaurant. The show...
In the world of Overlord, the true king is marked by their ability to win. But does victory...
Our next giveaway is sure to have you entertained! Thanks to our friends at Paramount Pictures and...
Mental illness is no laughing matter. However, humor can come out of very difficult and painful situations....