The American Film Institute, which oversees the AFIFest Presented by Audi, was created by Presidential mandate under...
I always like to fit in some shorts at NBFF. From time to time I?ve seen shorts...
The Oscar nominees for Best Documentary (Short Subject) show us some of the real life struggles that...
Five films have been nominated for Best Live Action Short.? It is an eclectic set of films...
It?s not unusual for me to go to a Disney/Pixar animation film and be more impressed with...
I?ve reached the final day of Newport Beach Film Festival. I?ve managed to take in a load...
Filmmakers often bring us the things we may read about in the news in a very personal...
Short films tell us stories quickly, and often with greater effect than if we sat through a...
All the films nominated for Best Live Action Short this year come from Europe. Most deal with...
Questions of faith and loss of faith?and of the lies that are told and crimes that continue...