Directed by Kim Hongsun, Project Wolf Hunting begins as dozens of Korea?s most dangerous and infamous criminals are set...
After 13 long years, there is finally another addition to the Orphan cinematic universe. Set just months before the...
Set in a suburban town in Colorado back in 1978, The Black Phone begins as five children...
In the Finnish film Hatching, from director Hanna Bergholm, a girl from a seemingly perfect home looks...
Once again, Marvel has proven that they aren?t the most successful franchise in history by accident. With...
Sometimes, the scariest horror films are the ones that spend the least amount of time trying to...
Edgar Wright has always been willing to push the boundaries of his storytelling. With LAST NIGHT IN...
The scariest thing about the present is that it may not be that different from the past....
Hello darkness, my old friend? Written and directed by Alex Noyer, Sound of Violence is a dark and brutal...
Is there anything scarier than hatred and bigotry? In new horror/thriller The Retreat, Renee (Tommie-Amber Pine) and Valerie...