High school bites. Directed by Ariane Louise-Seize, Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person tells the story of Sasha (Sara...
Sometimes, the monster we’re running from isn’t outside us at all. It Lives Inside follows Samidha (Megan Suri)—or...
Do you (still) like scary movies? Beginning in 1996, Scream began with a simple—yet complicated—premise. Understanding that the horror...
I always say that the best horror films are the ones that have something to say. And...
Do you believe in The Boogeyman? Let’s face it. Most of us did as children. Whether it was...
By Catherine Erskine Executive produced by Bruce Campbell (the OG Ash himself), along with the amazing Sam...
Sorry, Jack. Chucky’s back… and this time, he’s bringing his family. Written and directed by Kyra Gardner, Living...
Are you afraid of the dark? If not, after watching?The Outwaters, you might be. Written and directed...
By Catherine Erskine She?s got style! She?s got flare! She?ll have you questioning the very fabric of...
Casper Kelly is made a name for himself by leaning into the chaotic and bizarre. Breaking onto...