Directed by Jang Jae-hyun, Exhuma follows shamans, Hwa-rim (played by Kim Go-eun) and Bong-gil (played by Lim Dong-hyun), who have been called...
The next PG-13 horror film from Blumhouse, Imaginary has the earnest of the indie drama’s that have...
The Exorcist horror franchise sets out on a daring mission to revive its legendary history in The...
My Animal tells the story of Heather (Bobbi Salvor Menuez), a teenage girl who yearns to play for...
Struggling to pay the bills, Mike (Josh Hutcherson) takes a position as a nighttime security guard at...
High school bites. Directed by Ariane Louise-Seize, Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person tells the story of Sasha (Sara...
Sometimes, the monster we’re running from isn’t outside us at all. It Lives Inside follows Samidha (Megan Suri)—or...
Do you (still) like scary movies? Beginning in 1996, Scream began with a simple—yet complicated—premise. Understanding that the horror...
I always say that the best horror films are the ones that have something to say. And...
Do you believe in The Boogeyman? Let’s face it. Most of us did as children. Whether it was...