Directed by Coralie Fargeat, The Substance tells the story of Elisabeth Sparkle (Demi Moore), a former Hollywood icon who...
Nothing can prepare you for the series of events that happen in this twisted movie about a...
The most mature thing we can do in life is dare to love. I never saw the...
By Catherine Erskine When I went in to see Abigail, I was worried. So many films have...
Each summer, it seems like a horror film comes out of nowhere to take over the world....
Hollywood can be murder. Set in the ‘glitz and glamour’ of 80’s Los Angeles, Maxxxine sees Maxine Minx (Mia...
I want to make some noise about A Quiet Place: Day One. When the first A Quiet Place broke...
As you prep for cottage season, you might want to be wary of the woods. In A...
The studios simply have no idea what to do with I Saw the TV Glow. The marketing for TV...
When the world has gone mad, is it possible to remain Humane? Directed by Caitlin Cronenberg, Humane depicts a world...