Directed by Jake Paltrow, June Zero begins with the news that Adolf Eichmann has been sentenced to...
Directed by Louise Archambault, Irena’s Vow tells the amazing true story of Irena Gut Opdyke (Sophie Nelisse),...
“This will be a tour about pain…, also a tour that celebrates the people.” It’s hard to...
The title card that opens Rodrigo Cortés’s Love Gets a Room, gives us the setting of the...
Sometimes, the most difficult part of the war is when it’s over. Set at the conclusion of...
Doctors take an oath to save lives. Sometimes that means making some hard decisions. For a group...
?You have to survive. It will be our revenge.? Steven Oritt?s premiere feature film, My Name Is...
It is hard enough for star-crossed lovers to find a path to happiness, but when you stick...
In some ways Betrayed, from director Erik Svensson is like many other films about the Holocaust. It...
Hitler. A name that for much of the world connotes absolute evil. But that name is burnt...