This documentary will make you nauseous. Robert Kenner and Melissa Robledo are back with a sequel to...
People living with mental illness, may often feel isolated. In On the Adamant, from documentarian Nicolas Philibert,...
Directed by Marlo McKenzie and Jonathan Parker, Carol Doda: Topless at the Condor transports the viewer back to San...
In Transition, Australian filmmaker and journalist Jordan Bryon gives the world an entirely different view of the Taliban regime...
When people think about Toronto, the music scene isn’t always what comes to mind. Known as Hollywood...
What comes to mind when you hear the name, William Shatner? Comedian? Grandfather? Scoundrel? Star? (Or simply Star...
“These are not just pictures; they are testimonies that will live forever.” I remember that, decades ago,...
A family living an idyllic life in the Norwegian countryside cherishes their freedom. When their world is...
Often overlooked at Oscar® time are the three short film categories. One of those categories is Documentary...
On a scale of one to ten, how happy are you? That is essentially what is asked...